Thursday, November 17, 2005

Corn on the Cob Soda

You read that correctly. It's that time of the year again - Jones Soda is now selling their infamous Holiday Pack of unusual soda flavors. The National Pack consists of: Brussels Sprout with Prosciutto, Cranberry Sauce, Turkey & Gravy, Wild Herb Stuffing and Pumpkin Pie sodas; the Regional Pack is: Broccoli Casserole, Smoked Salmon Paté, Turkey & Gravy, Corn on the Cob and Pecan Pie. I can't say i'm not intrigued by the Pecan Pie Soda, even after reading this in-depth taste test of last year's flavors (which were: Turkey & Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, Green Bean Casserole, Mashed Potato & Butter and Fruitcake.)

Anyone down for a taste test?


At 2:57 PM, December 01, 2005, Blogger Jay said...

I did it, and don't recommend it. Feel free to check it out on my blog.

At 4:04 AM, January 06, 2006, Blogger beXn said...

Yikes. No one took me up on the taste test, and i'm glad after reading your review!


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