Cilantro Storage Test Method
This is not an official test as i did not compare 2 or more methods at the same time, with the same cilantro batch in the same refrigerator. What i did was check out one of the recommended methods from the comments from my original 10/13/05 post.As the anonymous poster suggested, i put the cilantro (with roots on) in a glass of water in the refrigerator with a spoonful of white sugar. I covered the cilantro with a gallon-sized plastic bag and sealed it with a loose rubber band (not airtight). It's been on the bottom shelf of the fridge for about 2 weeks now and it's still doing very well! I've been picking off cilantro leaves as needed, and weeding out the spoiled slimy ones.
So far this method has worked very well so i'm curious to compare it to the aluminum foil one. I will certainly post the results once they're in!
THANKS anonymous poster!
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