Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ian Sol and the Sugarless Beans

dude: lorraine loves the garlic beans
dude: ian took one of each gross flavor and ate them
me: he DID?
dude: the only ones he didn't like (he spit them out) were black pepper and earwax
dude: he said spaghetti and vomit tasted the same
me: he liked vomit?????
me: well, spaghetti is salty
dude: and he said they were all "pretty good, could use a little more sugar"
me: vomit is sour
me: hahahahahahahahahahahahah
me: he really said that?
me: shit
dude: true.
me: wow
me: the garlic ones are not bad!
dude: well
dude: when i walked in lorraine made me eat one without knowing what it was
dude: and i could not do it
dude: it was very interesting, but i can't eat them, just like buttered popcorn.
dude: lorraine likes them
me: but they're way better than popcorn
me: they're garlicky!
dude: she's eating them right now
me: i'm glad she likes them!
dude: i want to put a bowl of the harry potter ones on my desk at work
dude: but people might hate me
me: hahahahahahahahaha
me: you gotta!
me: do it!
me: it will be awesome
dude: i would get in trouble
dude: lorraine's breath stinks

I just mailed the Rice House some jelly beans. Try them out for yourself, if you are insane enough!


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