Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I'm anti flavored coffees and teas. I truly think that coffee should taste like coffee, not blueberries or vanilla cinnamon donuts (however wonderful glazed donuts smell, they shouldn't be consumed in liquid form.) And tea should taste like tea, not fake raspberry or chocolate cake. I'll make an exception for things that are naturally flavored, like tea using real dried fruits or coffee with some hot chocolate - but other than that, coffee and tea's primary flavors should be coffee and tea, respectively! This article in the Voice entitled "Coffee Abuse" really hit the point:

A horrible thought popped into my head recently. Am I the weird one? Is my "small coffee with milkā€”no sugar" a sign of my utter party-pooperness?

Even something as simple as honey has to be mega-flavorized. Remember those honey sticks from the '90s? They were basically honey sealed into straws, usually found at camping/hiking stores for quick energy snacking. be recently fell in love with the honey sticks from The Bee Folks, who offers them in natural flavors based on the flowers that the bees used. Most other places seem to sell flavors like grape, pina colada, lemon and licorice. Weird.

ps: good luck getting to work, New Yorkers! The strike is on. I'm prepared to work from home, but only for a day or so - then i have to haul ass to Manhattan somehow.


At 5:14 PM, December 20, 2005, Blogger Cristin said...

You were so smart to stay at home. I walked from our place to my job in Soho, and I feel like my legs are going to shudder off any minute! (Shap who had to work last night stayed with pals in the city).

But I have to admit, that when I was getting close to Chez Be, I had visions of just stopping, as visions of goof food, tons o' candy and loads of kittens danced in the my heads. But I trudged on anyway -- Sniff!

My advice : stay home as long as you can! And write more!

At 3:43 AM, January 06, 2006, Blogger beXn said...

dude i'm gonna post about our most recent Uno's, Cockta and choco fondue shortly!


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