Crackogiro & Pinkberry
While Pinkberry's frozen yogurt is in no way a replacement for Capogiro's gelato, it's still quite addictive and delicious. I love the slightly sour yogurt and fresh fruit. It's my new Ice Cream Break treat!So in New York i down spoonfuls of Pinkberry but in Philadelphia i scarf pints of Capogiro. Damn this shit is the absolute best frozen treat in the world! Like many addictive products, once you start you can't stop. And when i say "can't stop," i mean you're snapping at coworkers and scratching your face until that first little plastic spoonful hits your tongue...
My favorite Capogiro flavors are:
Rosemary Honey Goat Milk
Carambola con Limone Verde (Starfruit and Tart Lime)
Ananas Con Menta (Pineapple and Mint)
Fior Di Latte (Sweet Cream)
Chrysanthemum Tea
Menta Stracciatella (Mint with Chocolate Slivers)
Blood Orange
The sorbetto flavors are actually vegan, with the exception of those containing honey! Best vegan treat ever -- even better that Tofutti Cuties!
(They really should make a Frequent Pinter Club or at least a Frequent Eater Club Card. Perhaps they really don't need to, though. Shit's addictive.)