Sunday, January 30, 2005

Great Food Days

Friday afternoon we had a late lunch with be's mom at a Salvadorean restaurant on Jamaica Ave in Queens. The food was okay (i've had much better pupusas, tamales de'elote, curtido and horchata either homemade or at other places) but what made my year was the discovery of amazingly delicious corn nuts at the shop next door! We bought a bag of lemon-flavored fried corn - they aren't really nuts - and we ate the entire bag in less than 24 hours. These crunchy, addictive snacks were so good that i forced be to drive out to Jamaica today in order to get more! I ran in and bought one bag each of BBQ, cheese & hot sauce and lemon flavored fried corn (plus 1 Coke from El Salvador for be) and we downed 1/2 the BBQ bag on the ride home. If you ever come across Elotitos you must purchase all the flavors. Definitely in the Top 5 Snack Foods of All Time.

Friday night be made his signature dessert: bosc pears stewed in plum wine. I'll post a recipe as soon as he writes it down. He also made a hearty dish of pasta with eggplant, spinach and tomatoes. I unpacked the box and we just have too much produce to keep track of now :(

Today, besides the drive to Jamaica, we went to Stop & Shop to load up on more food. Surprisingly, they didn't stock dried red lentils, but we picked up: Helluva Good Cheese, coconut water, grits, plantains, pasta, Morningstar Crumbles, 2 bottles of a great basalmic vinegar and a loaf of rustic bread. At home, we had a snack of toasted bread with olive oil, basalmic vinegar, sea salt, ground pepper and rosemary dip. It was such good bread.

Dinner tonight was tacos! be's been craving them for a while, so he heated up a can of refried beans, made seasoned fake ground beef and chopped up some cilantro and lettuce. I used a lot of hot sauce while be glopped on cheese. I'm on a no-dairy diet now as my nose has been super stuffy recently, but the tacos were so tasty i didn't miss the cheese at all.

O just gave me a Brazilian "milk flavor chewy lollipop" from the corner store - it's just like a vanilla Sugar Daddy!


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