Friday, June 27, 2008

First Blueberries

Last year we planted two blueberry bushes. Two little scrappy twiggy things that didn't look like they'd grow, much less produce berries. They were of two different varieties because apparently that leads to better pollination or something. Our yard dirt is mainly comprised of trash and rubble under an inch of topsoil, so we built a big raised box for the blueberry bushes, filled it with a mix of soil (hoping it was acidic enough) and sat back.

Over the winter they hardly looked different, but they did end up growing, producing flowers and berries this year. be even built a wire cage over the bushes to protect the berries from birds and squirrels. The bush on the left had berries ready to eat first while the right bush is running a few weeks later. Lefty had about 100 total berries and be picked 30 of them two nights ago. The test is if they come off easily when you rub them lightly. That means we have about 70 left to go on Lefty, and even fewer on Righty.

The berries were ultra plump, larger than your average store-bought berries, very firm and crisp, and totally delicious. 15 berries for each of us lasted about a minute, and we were eating slowly. Makes you realize how mass production affects the quality and flavor of things. Can't get any more local than your own backyard!

I'm really worried though. All the blueberry wisdom out there says we have to pluck blossoms the first 2 or even 3 years so the bushes have more energy to grow large instead of producing fruit. Then one is rewarded with tons and tons and tons of berries, apparently. Well, as you can guess we didn't pluck blossoms because be wanted fruit so badly this year. The berries are so excellent, but i don't know if 175 berries is enough. Does anyone know if it's too late to pluck blossoms next year? Our bushes are still small but look healthy. I'm happy but sad. Ugh.


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