Monday, June 23, 2008


1) The CSA is kicking our botts. Untuffly, we roped in the Rice House to share it with us. Now, both houses get 5 vegetables every Tuesday, but we get the sole fruit share every other Tuesday. Even with less produce we've still been freaking out. Last night i cooked up some collards and mustard greens, 2 bunches of kale into colcannon, and random things like peach crisp, cornbread and Quorn Chik'n cutlets. A few nights before that, i cooked up the baby bok choy while be cooked the swiss chard. Currently, we still have in the fridge: green garlic, green leaf lettuce, a handful of small turnips, and swiss chard; and (not from the CSA): garlic scapes, a bag of carrots, 1 watermelon, 3 mangoes, 7-8 bananas, 1 cucumber, and 2 limes.

2) I've been hearing rumblings about the results of Capogiro Gelato's Pick Me Pick Me Flavor Contest! Nothing's been confirmed yet, but i'll just say that some people won a free pint... More later at our blog.

3) The second round of the Choco Fest Taste Test was completed last week. I promise i will tabulate the scores and post the results soon!

4) We finally finished the dining room and kitchen this weekend! It's painted a deep red, like oxblood but not as brown, and we've installed better lighting, storage shelves and a pantry/bartop. Now we just need to reduce unitasker appliances, food we're never going to eat, and random knickknacks; finish organizing the pantry and paint that last wall. (What color goes with deep red and lavender ice at the same time?)


At 3:03 PM, June 23, 2008, Blogger Jen said...

copy of the color index.

it seems like a shade of green might be what matches.

At 11:09 AM, June 27, 2008, Blogger beXn said...

Thanks d. Now we just have to pick the shade and actually do it!


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