Monday, June 02, 2008

First Bunch

Saturday morning be was tending to the garden when he spied a few bright red berries on our three little strawberry plants! We had actually picked and eaten one sole berry a few days before that but this was the first real bunch ready. They were impossibly fresh and beautifully red, and the flavors ranged from intensely sweet to intensely sweet with a little sour. The texture was like slicing through butter. So unlike store-bought berries!

Over the past few weeks, some of our plants have suffered with the drenching rains and flip flopping temperatures, but the three berry plants only grew larger and heartier. The plants are from Greensgrow and i highly recommend buying from them since their plants are very healthy. We have them planted in a long plastic rectangular window box in potting soil from Organic Mechanics with some stones on top to keep out stray cats in search of litterboxes. Now that the berries are starting to ripen, we have the strawberries inside of the blueberries' wire netting cage which be built to keep out squirrels and birds. I guess one cannot keep a Taurus away from his hard earned fruit.


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