Cookie Exchange Party 2008
Sat 12/20/08: 1st annual Cookie Exchange Party. Six parties showed up and swapped 4 dozen each. Clockwise: spritz flower chocolate ginger molasses with M&M, spritz heart chocolate ginger molasses with sanding sugar, Pfeffernüsse, Earl Grey tea cookie, raspberry Jammie butter cookie, Chewy Cherry Choc Roca bar, and peanut butter cookie with Hershey's kiss.Awesomely, ALL of the cookies were delicious and luckily, very different from one another. (There was the chance that 3 people could've brought chocolate chip cookies or that 2 would show up with the same thing since i didn't implement strict rules. I did not specify "only holiday cookies" nor "no duplicate recipes allowed.")
We served mushroom puffs, 3 kinds of little sandwiches, assorted cheeses, artichoke dip, tangerines and pepp patts. The party was a good length at about 1.5 hours. The *only* thing i would change for next time is: MORE COOKIES. Our bunch was barely enough for ourselves plus a little for both of our families -- and since be and i baked separate batches, we netted a combined 8 dozen+! The cookies were all so delicious i didn't want to give any away! Anyone up for a spring swap? I really don't feel like waiting a whole year to do this again!
Wow that are the best cookies.... I always make them for my children... I put some Patan ghee in them and the taste changes tremendously....
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